http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/yorsahj (карфаген с ним убивали)
Effloresence - NO STACKS
Lifebloom - 1 stack per cast. (NO STACKS on bloom)
Rejuvenation - 1 stack on initial application
Swiftment - 1 stack on the person swiftmended.
Tranquility - 1 stack per tick (i.e. a raid killer)
Wild Growth - 1 stack for each person hit by Wild Growth
Chain Heal - 1 stack for each person it bounces to.
Healing Rain - 1 stack upon entering. If you leave and re-enter, you gain another stack.
Healing Stream Totem - NO STACKS
Riptide - 1 stack on initial application
Spirit Link - NO STACKS
Beacon of Light - NO STACKS
Lay on Hands - NO STACKS
Holy Radiance - 1 stack for initial application (i.e. if it hits 4 people, 4 people get 1 stack).
Word of Glory - NO STACKS
Atonement - 1 stack
Divine Hymn - 1 stack per tick (i.e. will wipe your raid)
Echo of Light (Holy Mastery) - NO STACKS
Holy Fire (with Atonement) - 1 stack per tick. Do not use if you have atonement.
Holy Word: Sanctuary - 1 stack upon entering. If you leave and re-enter, you gain another stack.
Holy Word: Serenity - 1 stack
Lightwell - 1 stack per buff gain (i.e. when the person clicks)
Penance - 1 stack for the whole channeled cast (i.e. not 1 per tick)
Power Word: Shield - 1 stack (even when glyphed)
Prayer of Healing - 1 stack
Prayer of Mending - NO STACKS
Renew - 1 stack on initial application (possibility that if you spec out of Divine Touch that there are no stacks but I'd want to see further confirmation of this. Also, renewing it while in Serenity Chakra with a direct heal only adds 1 stack from the direct heal and none from the renewing the Renew).
Other Abilities
Deathknight Deathstrike - no stacks
Deathknight Death Pact - possibility of stack
Deathknight Rune Tap - possibility of stack
Druid Leader of the Pack - no stacks
Hunter Chimera Shot - no stacks
Priest Vampiric Embrace - no stacks
Rogue Recuperate - no stacks
Warlock Drain Life - no stacks
Warlock Fel Armor - no stacks
Warlock Healthstones - no stacksДобавлено (08.01.2012, 04:24)
http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/yorsahj (карфаген с ним убивали)